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Radio Valencia: inside the new Mission Street digs


As promised, San Francisco community based radio  station has moved from Chicken John’s Chez Poulet hangout on Cesar Chavez to a swell new third story studio operation at 2390 Mission Street “on the northwest corner of 20th St directly across from Bruno’s,” as the relocation announcement put it.

I dropped by on Sunday to schmooze with DJ McShmormac, grandmaster of the Grammophoney Baloney show. Here are some photos I took of the new setup, starting with the main studio. As you can see below, McShmormac is shedding some light on the subject while he plays CDs of pre-1912 recordings.

Radio Valencia’s DJ McShmormac: “fiat lux!”

Meanwhile, RV has definitely taken a page from the sage advice of Radio Survivor’s Jennifer Waits (see “Top 5 Things Found at Every College Radio Station”): in this case sine qua non number 3, a “funky old couch.” Except these two couches (below) seem neither old or funky. But don’t worry, they’ll get that way soon as they facilitate the “hangout”  function that the station wants to encourage.

I noticed some carpentry work being put into the antechamber to the main studio (right), where people will be able to mingle and/or set up for the next show. The last shot is of Mission Street just below the new Radiovalencia HQ. Congrats on the new move!

Mission Street just below the new Radio Valencia digs.



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