It’s been over a year since I’ve profiled a Radio Obsessive for Radio Survivor and I’m glad to say that I couldn’t resist the opportunity to learn more about DJ Frederick and his Paper Radio ‘zine. According to the Paper Radio blog, “Paper Radio is about shortwave listening, free radio, community radio, DIY media and […]
Tag Archives | radio obsessive
Radio Obsessive Profile #9: Engineering Radio’s Paul Thurst
Back in the olden days radio was owned by the geek crowd, with every science-savvy kid worth her salt crafting a home-made radio out of wires and household objects while sitting at the kitchen table. The earliest radio stations were created and run by physicists and engineers who had the skills to build transmission equipment […]
Radio Obsessive Profile #8: Beloit College Radio Historian Dave De Anguera
The early history of college radio has not been documented sufficiently and much of it is sequestered away in the archives of colleges and universities. Last year I was thrilled to see Hugh Slotten’s book, Radio’s Hidden Voice: The Origins of Public Broadcasting in the United States, as it is one of the first publications […]
Radio Obsessive Profile #6 and #7: Jonathan Winter and John Jenkins of American Museum of Radio and Electricity
Folks in Bellingham, Washington are lucky to have an amazing resource for radio history right in their backyard. What is now known as The American Museum of Radio and Electricity (AMRE) began in 1985 as the Bellingham Antique Radio Museum as an outgrowth of Jonathan Winter’s personal collection of vintage radios and radio-related objects. As […]
Radio Obsessive Profile #5: Herculodge's Jeff McMahon- The Man Who Loved Radios Too Much
It’s time for another installment in our ongoing series Radio Obsessives, in which we share tales about people who are passionate about radio. So far we’ve profiled Garrett Wollman’s Radio Tower Quest, Jose Fritz and his amazing Arcane Radio Trivia website, Radio Sticker of the Day curator Greg Blouch, and radio historian/Seattle Radio Theater founder […]
Radio Obsessive Profile #2: Jose Fritz's Arcane Radio Trivia
I’m awed by all the radio enthusiasts, collectors, historians, and scholars out there; so I’m going to try to feature some of my favorites on Radio Survivor in a new feature called Radio Obsessives. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my interview with Garrett Wollman about his fascination with radio towers is what […]