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Slacker launches unsigned bands upload site

Hello Music partnering with Slacker to promose unsigned bandsSlacker mobile/Internet radio has just launched a new venue for unsigned music bands to create their own stations on the service. And the fans of these bands can integrate them into their own custom Slacker Personal Radio stations list.

“We are giving new artists an experience they can’t get anywhere else,” Slacker veep Jonathan Sasse is quoted in the press release the mobile/Internet radio company sent us, “including the opportunity to share and distribute their custom Slacker stations with anyone, and to be included in a service used by millions of listeners through the web and on all leading smartphones.”

The service for bands to upload their music, photos, and bios to create their station is free. Slacker listeners can also integrate these artists and songs into their own custom Personal Radio stations.

Slacker is partnering with the Hello Music company to roll this service out. Here’s the signup page if you’re interested.

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