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12 Days of Radio Station Signage – Day 7: File Your Records Diagram

File Records Where you Found Them (Photo: J. Waits)

File Records Where you Found Them (Photo: J. Waits)

Today’s sign is sort of a companion piece to yesterday’s warning sign about putting records and CDs back. What’s great about this schematic is that it clearly demonstrates proper filing techniques using stick figures to portray the concept of flagging records in the vinyl library:

1. Select a Record

2. Grab the Record Next to Your Selection and Pull it Out 3 inches

3. While You’re on the Air, Let’s Hope No One Pushes in the Records!

4. When Your Show’s Over, Filing Vinyl is Easy!

Listen and learn…

Previous posts in 12 Days of Radio Station Signage series:

Day 1: Do Not Spray

Day 2: Dead Fish

Day 3: You are Being Monitored

Day 4: Zero Tolerance Graffiti Policy

Day 5: Never Use Swear Words

Day 6: Please Put Records and CDs Back

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