I was in a local independent book and magazine shop this weekend when a nicely designed magazine on a display table immediately drew my attention. I had never seen Uppercase Magazine before. But the sleek cover art mixing up a radio with knitting needles as the antenna and a stylized ball of yarn as the speaker called me to pick it up.
Uppercase bills itself as “a magazine for the creative and curious,” and hails from Calgary, Alberta. According to publisher Janine Vangool issue #20 is about broadcasting. In her first page letter to readers she writes, “My broad interpretation of this term includes the sharing of ideas graphically and publicly through posters, social media and public art, and also encompasses amateur radio, graphic novels and collecting vintage advertising posters.” I was sold.

Uppercase #20’s QSL Card Spread
Uppercase is really more of a journal than magazine, published on heavy matte paper, without ads. At $18 this also means it’s not cheap, at least by magazine standards. But because of it’s visual appeal, I’m already finding myself thumbing through it more than an issue of Time or the Atlantic. For the radio, broadcasting or design enthusiast it’s definitely worth checking out.
Here’s a video preview of this issue: