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Podcast Survivor

Podcasting News: Report Says Podcasting Is Bigger than You Think

Last week Edison Research highlighted some data from its Share of Ear study which indicates that “podcasting is bigger than you think.”

Although the Share of Ear study shows that podcasting only represents 2% of all audio listening in the US, those who do consume podcasts are “super listeners” who listen to more audio overall. These listeners also dedicate more than a quarter of their listening time to podcasts, which is only slightly less than they listen to AM or FM radio.

Podcast fans understand first hand how once you start listening to these shows they quickly absorb much more of your audio listening time, often taking time away from television, web surfing or listening to music. Of course, podcasting can only grow from here.

The Movie that Started as a Podcast

With IFC’s Maron we have a TV show where the main protagonist is a podcaster. Now Kevin Smith has released what is arguably the first feature film about a podcaster, only he happens to be surgically turned into a walrus. Tusk, which opened this past weekend, is based upon an extended riff from an episode of Smith’s Smodcast, that itself was based upon a strange apartment listing someone sent him. Smith asked his audience if he should turn the story into a movie, and they said, “yes.” It’s almost a film made on a dare.

I have to admit that I have not seen it yet. The film opened at #14 at the box office and received mixed reviews. My sense is that if you’re willing to go with the premise it’s a fun ride.

Have you seen Tusk? Please share your capsule review in the comments.

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