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college radio station WHRC in 2014

Free Access to Special Journal Edition on College Radio

A special journal edition devoted to college, student, and university radio has just been published by Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture. Excitingly, the issue is open access and available to all readers.

This is also a special issue as it features original articles by Radio Survivor’s Jennifer Waits as well as by me. Given that many academic articles in radio studies can only be accessed through an institutional affiliation, this is a great opportunity for readers with a casual interest in the academic study of radio to learn about research in the field.

Articles can be downloaded, free of charge, by clicking on the ‘purchase PDF’ link of each article. Below is the issue’s table of contents and you can access the articles by following this link.

Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture – Special Student Radio Issue

Volume 6, Number 1, 1 March 2015

Table of Contents

Salvatore Scifo

“Going commercial: Navigating student radio in a deregulated media marketplace”
Brendan Reilly and John Farnsworth

“Campus frequencies: ‘Alternativeness’ and Canadian campus radio”
Brian Fauteux

“‘College radio’: The development of a trope in US student broadcasting”
Nick Rubin

“From wireless experiments to streaming: The secret history and changing role of college radio at Haverford College 1923–2014”
Jennifer C. Waits

“The learning curve: Distinctive opportunities and challenges posed by university-based community radio stations”
Deborah Wilson David

“The history of student radio in Poland”
Urszula Doliwa

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