Louisville, Kentucky community radio station ARTxFM is hosting a nationwide coordinated broadcast, “Justice for Breonna Taylor,” on August 13, the five-month anniversary of Breonna’s passing, at 2 PM EDT. The program will feature a simulcast of “Everything” by Mary J. Blige, selected by Breonna’s family, along with a short piece produced by the station.
From ARTxFM’s announcement:
On this day, we will pause our broadcast to recognize the women who were stolen from their families and loves ones far too soon. Together we will celebrate the lives of these unique individuals – recognize the pain their loss has caused their communities and user our voices to demand the justice they deserve.
In the words of Breonna’s aunt Bianca Austin, ‘Justice for Breonna means an end to police brutality and social injustice. We will not tolerate this any longer. The time is NOW! So please be a part of the change and get involved.
A list of participating stations – as of August 10 – is below. Stations wishing to join the simulcast should contact ARTxFM.
Participating Stations
WXOX Louisville
KMRD Madrid
KLEK Jonesboro
WXDR New Orleans
WSLR Sarasota
KEPW Eugene
WBTV Burlington
WGOT Gainesville
KBCU Newton
WCXP Chicago
WPPM Philadelphia
KACR Alameda
KDRT Davis
KOYO Oroville
KXCJ Cave Junction
WBPU St. Petersburg
KZAX Bellingham
KMRE Bellingham
WTSR Trenton
KPPQ Ventura
KMUN Astoria
KTCB Tillamook
KPTZ Port Townsen
WHPW Harpswell
WCXP Chicago
WOMM Burlington
KBBF Calistoga / Santa Rosa
KMUD Garberville
KMUZ Turner
WORT Madison
WFHB Bloomington
WCRS Columbus
WLXU Lexington
WRFL Lexington
WERA Arlington
WXIR Rochester
KSQD Santa Cruz