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Podcast 89 - Saving College Radio

Podcast #89 – How To Preserve Radio History

Laura Schnitker is an archivist and curator at the University of Maryland who has been active in preserving the legacy of college station WMUC, along with co-chairing the Library of Congress Radio Preservation Task Force (with Radio Survivor Jennifer Waits). Laura recently gave a talk about her radio preservation and archiving work at the “College Radio: Then, Now and Next” symposium at the University of Virginia. We share that informative talk on this week’s episode.

Before that, Paul reports news about FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plans to dismantle network neutrality and the FCC’s Open Internet Order, as well as his drive to further loosen media ownership rules. Jennifer discusses her experience attending the college radio symposium, pointing out a trend she’s observed in talking with college students at this and another recent conference.

Community radio folks: learn about the upcoming NFCB conference July 17-19 and get $50 off your registration by using the promo code you’ll hear in this week’s episode!

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