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Office at college radio station WVFI in 2008. Photo: J. Waits/Radio Survivor

College Radio Watch: Don McGahn’s College Radio Moment and More News

It’s been an exciting week, with readers and listeners chipping in to help Radio Survivor with our Patreon campaign. A whole slew of you donated at least $5 a month by the August 1st deadline and will be getting a copy of our hand made ‘zine. We’ve had so much fun crafting it, that we are hoping to create more in the future. Although we didn’t meet our 100 donors goal, we are super stoked by the 60+ monthly contributors and generous one-time donors who are helping to support our work.

Don McGahn’s 1990s College Radio Moment

One of my favorite stories in recent memory is a tale about the confluence of college radio, 1990s punk rock, and 2019 government officials. With members of Generation X in their 40s and 50s today, it stands to reason that plenty of them with high profile jobs also have indie rock/college radio pasts.

I enjoyed every word of “I Was on a Compilation CD with Don McGahn in College,” John Dugan’s account of how his 90s self crossed paths with the former White House counsel. Dugan writes:

There’s really nothing more ’90s than being on an obscure compilation CD. And perhaps there’s nothing more 2019 than being from the DC area and having a bizarre, tangential relationship [to] the Trump administration.

…an old college radio chum alerted me to the fact that Don McGahn, President Trump’s OG White House Counsel and purveyor of fine ’80s cover tunes in Scott’s New Band, has a solo song on the Jericho Sessions CD. Yes, the Don McGahn who Trump tried to pressure into firing Robert Mueller.

Dugan explains that his band also appears on the Jericho Sessions compilation CD of campus bands, which was put together in 1991 by University of Notre Dame’s student-run college radio station WVFI (“Voice of the Fighting Irish”). Read his article to see vintage images of the CD compilation as well as Dugan’s reviews of the student bands.

Coincidentally, my husband is also a WVFI alumnus, but alas has no compilation CDs from his radio days there. We did return to the station back in 2008, with our 2-year-old in tow. That tour (saved for posterity as my 3rd radio station field trip report) is the stuff of family lore thanks to my daughter’s epic face plant into a college radio couch. While she dozed away, my husband and I enjoyed a leisurely tour through the WVFI studio and library, having no idea about the cross-section of characters and bands that had occupied those same spaces over the decades.

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