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College Radio Watch: College Radio in the 2010s, WCWS-FM Buyer, KMSM to Leave Air? and More News

In these early days of 2020, we’ve been taking a look back at the big radio trends from the past decade. It’s pretty mind-boggling to tally all of the changes in radio and technology since 2010. Amid it all, college radio experienced both highs and lows, but ultimately leaves the decade as strong as ever. Take a listen to this week’s Radio Survivor show/podcast (episode #228) and read my decade-in-review piece for my take on the decade in college radio.

WCWS-FM to be sold to EMF

There’s an update this week to a story that I reported on back in 2018. At the time, College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio announced that it was transitioning its long-time FM student radio station WCWS (aka The Woo 91) to online-only. A letter to the FCC dated September 2, 2018 (but filed in December, 2018) stated “We have encountered a repeated number of technical difficulties with our tower service as well as the recent resignation of staff who had the necessary skill sets to maintain the radio equipment and oversight of the station. We would like Special Temporary Authority to remain off the air for up to 180 days to determine if the issues can be resolved.” That request was dismissed and the station seems to have remained on the air during Fall, 2018.

In Fall, 2018, students circulated petitions to “Save the Wave” and were holding panel discussions about the future of radio in order to try to convince the school to retain the FM license. By March, 2019, WCWS was announcing that the station was leaving the air on April 6 and sharing memories from alumni. The final words on FM were spoken by Bruce Peters from the class of 1969. WOO 91 wrote on Instagram, “He flew in from Denver to be the last words because over 50 years ago, he was WOO 91’s first words as it transitioned to WCWS, an FM station. He used his radio ready voice to mark a transition of WOO 91 once again – to online streaming on iHeart radio.” In a video posted on Instagram, DJs in the booth can be seen wearing T-shirts emblazoned with headstones and “RIP 90.9 FM.”

An April 2019 filing with the FCC stated, “The College of Wooster currently does not have dedicated staffing or the necessary expertise to continue to support a college-run radio station. The college needs time to consider options for the station license.” Another request to remain silent was filed in October, 2019. In the FCC’s approval for this request for special temporary authority to remain silent for 180 days, it pointed out that if WCWS did not return to the air by April, 2020, the license would expire.

We’ve now learned that after considering its options, the school plans to sell the WCWS-FM license to religious broadcasting group Educational Media Foundation (the parent of syndicated broadcaster K-LOVE) for $170,000, according to paperwork filed with the FCC in December, 2019.

Montana Tech Station’s Murky Future

I also learned this week that KMSM-FM at Montana Tech University may be leaving the airwaves. ABC Fox Montana reports, “Last month, a decision was made by the Associated Students of Montana Tech to shut down the station and cut funding after a survey found the station was not very popular among students,” but adds that, “The Associated Students of Montana Tech say the decision could be reversed in the upcoming weeks and nothing is final.”

This is an interesting case in which the license for the student radio station is held by a student organization, Associated Students of Montana Tech. A KPAX story points out, “And while the future may look pretty bleak for the radio station, those who work there say that if the public really wants to keep KMSM going they need to contact the administration and show their support.” So in this instance, it’s not only the school, but also leaders in the student government who need convincing that college radio is worth their investment.

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