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Howard University, Mormons get Sirius XM channels

At long last Sirius XM has allocated four percent of its full-time audio channels to various “qualified entity” minority oriented broadcasters. Howard University is among the winners, something I’d hoped would happen. Howard runs WHUR-FM (see YouTube clip to the right).

The four percent allocation was part of the deal that Sirius XM made with the Federal Communications Commission as a condition of its 2008 merger. Below is the FCC’s full list of the winners. More about the long, torturous process by which these recipients were decided here and here.

• Howard University (licensee of WHUR-FM and WHUT-TV)

One channel each on Sirius and XM – Music and talk programming for the African American community

One channel each on Sirius and XM – Music and talk programming for the African American community, with programs from Historically Black Colleges and Universities

• BYU Radio (licensee of KBYU-FM and KBYU-TV)

One channel each on Sirius and XM – Music and talk programming for the Mormon community

• Eventus/National Latino Broadcasting

One channel each on Sirius and XM – Spanish language talk programming

One channel each on Sirius XM – Spanish language music programming

• WorldBand Media

One channel each on Sirius and XM – Spanish language talk programming

• KTV Radio

One channel on XM – Korean language music and talk programming

The FCC seems happy about this new line up. “This marks a valuable step in increasing the diversity of programming available to satellite radio listeners while promoting access for new entrants and independent satellite radio programming,” declared Commission boss Julius Genachowski.

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