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Search results for "Music Freedom"

Music Freedom... For Some

T-Mobile “Music Freedom” Is Actually an Internet Fast-Lane

Here at Radio Survivor we’ve discussed how an internet fast lane might negatively affect internet radio, especially mobile internet radio. But we weren’t expecting it to actually happen so quickly. What I’m talking about is T-Mobile’s announcement on Wednesday that the company will allow customers to stream music to their smartphones without it impacting their […]

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CD players, equipment in college radio station WXTJ's studio. Photo: J. Waits

Freeform Music, House Shows, and Art: Touring College Radio Station WXTJ-LP at University of Virginia

There’s a lot of radio going on at University of Virginia and the newest station is WXTJ-LP, a student-run low power FM (LPFM) college radio station. Although its studio is in the same facility as WTJU (see my tour #129 here), WXTJ-LP has its own identity and air sound. Frustrated by the lack of student […]

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Digital Watch feature image

Digital Watch: Net Neutrality In Effect; Apple Music Delivers Fewer Bits

Network neutrality is in effect, as of last Friday, June 12. That’s despite a request by major ISPs for the DC Circuit Court to put the FCC’s Open Internet Order on hold until their challenges get their day in court. Not unexpectedly, the DC Circuit denied that motion. Effectively, the Court wasn’t impressed with the […]

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KFJC in Liverpool

College Radio Watch – KFJC in Liverpool, WXDR History, Spotify’s Musical Colleges, and More College Radio News

As I write this post, I’m glued to the live stream of Foothill College radio station KFJC-FM, awaiting the beginning of its broadcast from the Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia. As I wrote earlier this morning and also explained to College Media Matters, KFJC (the station where I’ve been a long-time DJ and volunteer) is […]

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FCC Logo

For T-Mobile, ‘freedom’ means a closed Internet

The formal portion of the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet proceeding has concluded. Tens of thousands of individuals have filed comments, as have all of the major Internet Service Providers. We sparked some controversy last month by calling T-Mobile’s music “Freedom” plan an Internet fast lane. Paul Riismandel characterized it as such because the plan […]

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Regulated Musical Diversity on Canadian Airwaves

Regulated Musical Diversity on Canadian Airwaves

On July 22, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) issued a revised version of their Broadcasting and Regulatory Policy (PDF) as it applies to campus and community radio in Canada. Amid all of the policy changes (and a nice promise of funding), which for the most part are meant to simplify the ways that […]

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Radio Stations in Somalia Threatened Again over Music

Radio Stations in Somalia Threatened Again over Music

As we reported last week, radio stations in Somalia have been pressured to cease playing music by militant Islamist groups. Under threat of violence, these stations opted to replace music with all-talk formats, punctuated by sounds of animals, nature, and machinery. On Tuesday the government of Somalia actually ordered four Mogadishu radio stations to play […]

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Music Banned from Radiowaves in Somalia

Music Banned from Radiowaves in Somalia

There are growing concerns about the control that militant groups are wielding over citizens and media outlets after music was banned from Somali radio on Tuesday and school bells were outlawed from a Somali town on Thursday. Today’s New York Times reports that, “Insurgent groups in Somalia have increasingly alienated the population by imposing a […]

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