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Search results for "Music Freedom"

college radio station WMUC

College Radio Watch: Southeast Missouri State Gives Up LPFM, Letterman’s College Radio Past, WMUC Film, and More News

In April 2014 we wrote about Southeast Missouri State University’s plans to discontinue broadcasts from its low power FM (LPFM) student radio station KDMC-LP (aka The Rage FM) in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. At the time, the school planned to keep the LPFM license. However, earlier this month, Southeast Missouri State’s Board of Regents turned the […]

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college radio station KXSU studio

College Radio Watch: College Radio Scholarship Featured in Special Issue of Interactions

Scholars focused on college radio are a pretty tiny subset of the already small universe of radio scholars, so I am thrilled to see the publication of a student radio-themed issue of Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture this week. Brian Fauteux shared the news yesterday on Radio Survivor and he and I also have […]

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Leo Blais sign at college radio station WONC. Photo: J. Waits

A Snowy Road Trip to Visit North Central College Radio Station WONC-FM

When I scheduled my visit to North Central College’s radio station WONC-FM, I had no idea that a spring snow storm would hit. Undeterred, my husband I and embarked on a road trip through the Chicago suburbs on Monday, March 23rd to see the recently-named IBS College Radio Station of the Year. (more…)

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Digital Watch feature image

Digital Watch: Even Online There’s No Such Thing as ‘Free Radio’

While internet radio is sometimes thought of as the wild and untamed cousin of terrestrial broadcast, it’s not entirely unshackled. While web broadcasters don’t require an FCC license, and are unrestricted with regard to using four letter words, stations still have to have to pay up for the right to play recorded music. Even if […]

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CHOQ one minute radio!

Return of the one minute radio show contest (this time from Montreal)

Montreal based CHOQ.CA of Montreal has launched the first round of its international 60 Second Radio contest. The challenge to producers: submit one minute audio clips to the station that grapple with the concept of liberty. “Liberty can be expressed in different ways and take on multiple meanings,” the CHOQ announcement notes. “Freedom comes from within […]

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FCC Chairman Wheeler at CES 2015

FCC Chair Makes Waves with Open Internet Announcement

On Wednesday FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler stunned many at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas by announcing that the agency will move to reclassify broadband internet as a utility. During an on-stage conversation with Consumer Electronics Association President Gary Sharpiro, Wheeler said that new rules based under so-called Title II provisions would be circulated […]

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