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Prairie Fire: 2011 Grassroots Radio Conference

Established by the Grassroots Radio Coalition in 1996 as an alternative to the increasing commercialization of public radio, the Grassroots Radio Conference (GRC), is now one of the most important nonprofit radio events of the year.   In contrast to other annual gatherings such as the National Federation of Community Broadcasters (NFCB)  Community Radio Conference, in […]

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The Past Week In Radio

Catch up on stories you might have missed from the past week in radio. Dirty Money Talk radio’s biggest names are paid millions of dollars to “use a script, outline or set of talking points,” according to a new report. The Heritage Foundation pays roughly $2m for Rush Limbaugh and $1.3 for Sean Hannity. Glenn […]

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Hello new Morning Show; goodbye KPFA

Hello new Morning Show; goodbye KPFA

You can always tell a true community radio politics junkie, because eventually he or she will open up a post with a line like the following: “This is the last thing I’m ever going to say about Pacifica radio.” Yeah, right. So let me put it a little more tentatively. This is the last thing […]

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Locating Martin Luther King Jr. speeches - audio and text

Locating Martin Luther King Jr. speeches – audio and text Widgets In honor of the upcoming holiday, I’ve compiled some different ways to access some of MLK’s influential speeches. If you’re interested in reading some of King’s speeches online, the King Center, which hosts the King Papers, has many of King’s speeches sorted chronologically, providing mp3 and written versions. Plain written copies of some […]

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The decade's most important radio trends #1: The birth and troubled childhood of satellite Radio

The decade’s most important radio trends #1: The birth and troubled childhood of satellite Radio

At end of the first decade of the 21st century there are more audio entertainment options available than any time before. Even if traditional broadcast radio has a case of the doldrums, the viability of radio-like media has never been stronger. Satellite radio is one medium that entered the scene, although its long-term prognosis is […]

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How 'Teenager Party' helped bring down the Iron Curtain

It was 1958, and the staff of Radio Free Europe pondered what to do next. The CIA funded broadcasting service was still reeling from the disastrous Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The United States had encouraged Hungary to revolt against Communist domination, then did nothing when the Soviet Union crushed the uprising. RFE took much of […]

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