This is the second in a series about how community radio stations can adapt to and embrace digital disruption. There Will Be Video At a strategic planning meeting for a community radio station I used to work for, the facilitator asked if we wanted to make any changes to the mission. I raised my hand. […]
Author Archive | Ann Alquist

How community radio can adapt to digital disruption
This is part one of a series identifying ways community radio stations can adapt and ultimately embrace digital disruption as a tool to empower communities through media. A lot of the pushback I get from community radio stations – and yes, well-resourced NPR affiliates – is that there aren’t enough people to work on digital. […]

Why community radio stations don’t need News Directors
When I first attended the National Federation of Community Broadcasters conference in 2002, I was struck by stations who considered our station – KFAI Radio in Minneapolis – a leader because we had a full time News Director (which happened to be me). It’s a goal for many stations to have the financial stability to […]

The Problem(s) of Community Radio
A station I used to work at is in a financial crisis. I don’t use that phrase capriciously. Membership has plummeted, the personal people meter rankings indicate that, statistically, no one is listening and the volunteer nature of the programmers is caught up in petty discourse defending the value of their shows and lamenting the […]