A fantastic article was recently posted on Antenna Blog – a media and cultural studies blog operated by graduate students and faculty in Media & Cultural Studies at UW-Madison – that makes a number of strong claims about the need to study old media, including radio history. Its author, John McMurria, is an Assistant Professor […]
Author Archive | Brian Fauteux
Locating Radio History in Ontario, Canada
Since my first post for the Radio Survivor Academic Series, the Radio Preservation Task Force has started to accumulate finding aids from regional archival collections. Just prior to the deadline for Research Associates to submit their finding aids to their Regional Directors, it was reported that approximately 250 archives and contacts had been aggregated, which […]
Introducing the Radio Survivor Academic Series
The work of media history serves to not only enrich our understanding of the past and of the everyday use of communications technologies, but it also offers helpful methods and frameworks for making sense of new technological developments and new uses and practices. A number of scholars have tempered the revolutionary claims of newness that […]
Radio Matters: A Renaissance in Radio Scholarship
Radio Matters is a new feature on Radio Survivor in which guest authors will share their thoughts on the relevance of radio. In this inaugural post, scholar Brian Fauteux writes about the increasing scholarly interest in radio as he recaps the recent Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference – Jennifer Waits, College Radio & […]