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Author Archive | Jennifer Waits

High School Radio Day 2014

Happy High School Radio Day

Today is the 3rd annual High School Radio Day and at least 63 student radio stations from all over the United States (representing at least 28 states) are celebrating this unique and rare form of broadcasting. As I mentioned last week, I recently toured WHHS at Haverford High School in Havertown, Pennsylvania and was amazed […]

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College Radio Station equipment and flyers at the Saving WMUC exhibit

College Radio Survivor: Faculty Ask to Halt WDBK Sale, KRFH Launches LPFM, KDMC-LP Leaves Air, and More News

I spent last week traveling and happily immersed in the world of college radio and so this week’s College Radio Survivor will be a super-sized edition (apologies for the lack of a column last week). I presented at the Saving College Radio Symposium last Friday in College Park, Maryland and this Monday I gave a […]

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#LPFM News

LPFM Watch: More College and High School Radio CPs, KDMC-LP to Leave Air and 100 MX Groups Eliminated

It’s been a slow week in the LPFM application world, with far more dismissals and amended applications than granted construction permits. At the end of day yesterday, the count of granted applications is now up to 1153, with recent grantees including Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (Oxnard, California) on April 14 and (just in time for […]

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WMUC Exhibit Flyer

Saving College Radio Symposium Highlights Importance of Archiving Radio History

On Friday I spent an amazing day at University of Maryland, College Park for the Saving College Radio Symposium. Hosted by the University of Maryland Libraries’ Special Collections, the symposium was held in conjunction with the exhibit Saving College Radio: WMUC – Past, Present and Future. Throughout the day, archivists, scholars, and college radio participants […]

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radio stickers, including KTRU, at KPSU

College Radio Survivor: Archiving College Radio History, Upcoming Events, and LPFM Update

Right now I’m dwelling on college radio’s past, as I prepare my presentation for University of Maryland’s “Saving College Radio” Symposium in two weeks. In connection with an exhibit about the history of student radio station WMUC, this symposium will focus on the importance of (and challenges inherent in) archiving college radio’s history. I’ve become […]

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LPFM Watch

LPFM Watch: Over 1100 Applications Granted so Far, including More than 40 for College Radio Stations

This week the total number of granted LPFM applications crossed 1100. LPFMs-to-be are already fundraising and making plans for their new stations. For example, in Portland, Oregon, Q Center’s station Wild Planet Radio, purportedly the “the world’s first nonprofit LGBTQ radio station,” is gearing up to get on the air, sharing a frequency with The […]

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High School Radio Day 2014

High School Radio News Round-up: High School LPFMs, KVHS Footage from 1983, and WKHS’ 40th Anniversary

With High School Radio Day Coming up on April 23, it seemed like a good time to do a round-up of recent high school radio news. First and foremost, it’s been thrilling to see that so many school districts and high schools are in the running for new LPFM licenses. One such group, Jasper High […]

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radio stickers, including KTRU, at KPSU

College Radio Survivor: Radio Revived at WRAM, More Award Opportunities & Other News

This week, there were some interesting developments on the college radio front. The FCC finally closed the books on the contested future of the former Vanderbilt University FM radio station WRVU. Despite protests by supporters of the FM station, the license was assigned to Nashville Public Radio this week. For nearly three years, the station […]

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Sounding Out

Caribbean Radio Histories

I love learning about both radio history and international radio, so was pleased to see an analysis of the early history of Caribbean radio on the Sounding Out! blog this week. Part of a 4-part series focused on radio broadcasting in the Caribbean and South America, Alejandra Bronfman’s article, Radio de Accion: Violent Circuits, Contentious […]

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