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Author Archive | Matthew Lasar

NPR, Pandora ready for iPad

NPR, Pandora ready for iPad

The iPad cometh, and Pandora and National Public Radio say they’re ready. Yesterday Pandora announced Pandora on the iPad: “I think of it as the ultimate lean-in Pandora experience,” declares Pandora CTO Tom Conrad. “Just tap the Pandora icon and let the music play while you read about the bands and music you discover. Pass […]

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Bertolt Brecht

Did Brecht want radio or the Internet?

I am rereading portions of German composer Bertold Brecht’s famous 1932 essay “The radio as an apparatus of communications,” and I am confused. Is he really talking about radio? The medium, Brecht wrote, “is one-sided when it should be two- . . . ” “It is purely an apparatus for distribution, for mere sharing out. […]

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Hey FCC: What about ""

I’ve now had my eyes glued to the Federal Communications Commission’s 370+ page National Broadband Plan for 24 hours, and the message is clear: video rules; audio drools. The document goes so far as to propose the creation of “a federated national archive for digital content. Creating such an archive will require tackling digital […]

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FCC National Broadband Plan: give wireless band next to Sirius 20 MHz

FCC National Broadband Plan: give wireless band next to Sirius 20 MHz

The Federal Communications Commission’s National Broadband Plan is up, and, as expected, it recommends that a wireless band close by the Sirius XM band get 20MHz of spectrum for use to deploy wireless broadband services, probably WiMAX style. “Recommendation 5.8.1: The FCC should make 20 megahertz available for mobile broadband use in the 2.3 GHz […]

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NPR makes big promises for the iPad

NPR makes big promises for the iPad

“If you’re among the estimated 120,000 Apple enthusiasts who signed up to get an iPad on April 3, rest assured that you’ll be able to experience the NPR Web site in all its glory.” So promises Kinsey Wilson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, NPR Digital Media, in his latest blog post. NPR’s designers and […]

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