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Author Archive | Matthew Lasar

Which is better for Internet radio, a dedicated receiver or a Netbook? Widgets Reading Jennifer Waits’ excellent history of Internet radio, I’m pondering the same question everyone else is these days: How am I going to listen to it? Just go to and you can choose from an amazing assortment of streaming audio receivers. But before we look at some of them, I’ve got an […]

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Twitterers call and pray for Rush Limbaugh to die, live, not die, or all of the above

As everybody in the radio world knows, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh is in a Honolulu hospital, recovering from chest pains. Meanwhile, something of a referendum on his fate is being conducted on Twitter. “Please, Rush Limbaugh, DIE NOW!” tweeted Chuck69dotcom not too long ago. “oh pleez oh pleez oh pleez let Rush Limbaugh […]

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NPR calls for Congress to create "common public media waiver"

As we’ve reported, National Public Radio has been filing comments with the Federal Communications Commission a lot these days, talking up its localism initiative, Android app, and new mobile site. NPR’s latest commentary to the FCC on its National Broadband Plan reiterates all these points. But here’s the paragraph in the filing that got our […]

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The decade's most important radio trends: #7 Internet Radio's Day of Silence

The decade's most important radio trends: #7 Internet Radio's Day of Silence

One of the more frustrating peculiarities of our system of broadcasting here in the United States is that over-the-air radio stations don’t have to pay performance royalties to artists, while Internet and satellite stations do. If this wasn’t enough, in March of 2007 the Copyright Royalty Board announced what most streamers experienced as pretty steep […]

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The decade's most important radio trends: #8 The Great Fairness Doctrine Panic

The decade's most important radio trends: #8 The Great Fairness Doctrine Panic

It was the summer of 2007. Not moments after the Republican far right triumphed over President Bush’s hated immigration reform law than Representative Mike Pence, Republican of Indiana, introduced a rider to a budgetary bill in the House that would forbid funding for the Federal Communications Commission to enforce the Fairness Doctrine. The bill overwhelmingly […]

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The decade’s most important radio trends: #12 National Public Radio keeps growing

Everybody knows the fate of over-the-air radio over the last ten years. “On Demand Killed the Radio Star,” as Boston Globe Media put it in 2005, going so far as to ask whether terrestrial radio is on the way out. Consolidation led to poor broadcasting choices like over-advertising and de-localization, the story goes. MP3 players […]

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