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Author Archive | Matthew Lasar

What does Kingsford the Pig have to do with any of this? Read on.

Clear Channel unloading four silent radio stations to minority non-profit; 846 to go

It was definitely a feel good moment last week when Clear Channel announced that it plans to donate four radio stations to the Minority Media Telecommunications Council. The MMTC says it will work with the National Association of Broadcaster’s Leadership Training Program to “use the stations for training and to incubate new minority and women […]

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Does the FCC short change rural radio?

Does the FCC short change rural radio?

A small band of reform groups have asked the Federal Communications Commission to rethink how it allocates radio licenses in rural areas. They argue that the current system allows big broadcasters to grab suburban/rural signals on the edge of large metropolitan regions, in some instances knocking out smaller stations. The license seeker, they say, doesn’t […]

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source: USAID

Radio factoid: educational broadcasting is pulling the weight when it comes to full power station growth

A look at radio licensing trends in the United States over the last five years shows an interesting pattern. While the number of commercial AM and FM full power licenses has declined or remained flat, there’s been a big expansion in educational FM stations. Lets’ review the stats in QA form. Q. How many Federal […]

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Tim Westerngren; source: flickr

Pandora asks subscribers to support the Performance Rights Act

If you listen to Pandora internet radio, you probably got a message yesterday from the service’s founder Tim Westergren, asking subscribers to support the Performance Rights Act. That’s the proposed law that would require terrestrial radio stations to pay performance royalty fees to the artists whose music they broadcast. “The system as it stands today […]

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Stevie Wonder’s case against the Arbitron Portable People Meter

Stevie Wonder’s case against the Arbitron Portable People Meter

Among the top Federal Communications Commission-related headlines this morning is Arbitron’s insistence, yet again, that the FCC doesn’t have regulatory authority over the alleged inadequacies of its controversial Portable People Meter (or PPM as it is acronymed). And RBR/ (the “Voice of the Broadcasting Industry”) adds its growl to the chorus: “A note to new […]

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