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Author Archive | Matthew Lasar

Louie Louie disk

How the FBI worked with radio to investigate the song “Louie Louie”

Our regular Welcome to Night Vale correspondent Aidan Herrick has written an excellent research paper (pdf) on the 1960s era Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of the song “Louie Louie.” Why the probe? Because parents across the United States were complaining to the government that The Kingsmen’s 1963 remake of the Richard Berry song contained […]

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How Weird

WTJU floats; ARTxFM boomboxes; weirds out; WDNA videos live jazz

Boatloads of events and performances are happening across community radio-land, especially during subscriber marathon season. Lots of stations are posting Facebook pix and videos of what’s going on. Here below, for example, is the Dillard Center for the Arts Jazz Band live on the air via South Florida jazz station WDNA during their latest subscriber drive: [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ […]

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