Listeners located in the U.K. who enjoy Ireland’s RTÉ 252 radio service are breathing a sign of relief. The planned 2017 closure of this longwave station has now been put on indefinite hold, according to I first reported on RTÉ 252 two years ago, when news of its shutdown–originally set for January 2015–put longwave […]
Author Archive | Paul Riismandel
Podcast #65 – Fall Radio Tours Preview
Our intrepid radio tourist Jennifer Waits will be attending two big radio conferences this fall, the 2016 Grassroots Radio Conference and CBI’s National Student Electronic Media Convention. She gives us a preview of what’s in store, what she’s presenting, and let’s us in on some of the stations she’s planning to visit along the way. […]
Podcast 62 – The FCC’s Legacy of Failure & CMJ’s Uncertain Future
The FCC just released its long-awaited revision to media ownership rules. After years of back-and-forth with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals there are very few changes. Prof. Christopher Terry, of the University of Minnesota School of Journalism, argues this represents a monumental failure that places all media ownership rules at grave risk. He joins […]
Podcast #61 – Focus on Fundraising and Collaboration
Becky Meiers is our guest to help us better understand some best practices for fundraising in community radio. She’s the development director for KBOO in Portland, OR. Becky has tips for planning on-air pledge drives and more fundraising advice for stations of all sizes. We also talk about how and why KBOO is building partnerships […]
Inaugural Cascade Radio Network Summit Happens Sept. 17
Taking root from the Cascade Media Convergences held in Portland, OR in 2014 and 2015, the inaugural Cascade Radio Network Summit is happening Saturday, September 17 in Tacoma, WA. The summit will bring together audio and radio producers to exchange ideas, network and support community radio and podcasting endeavors throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Cascade […]
Podcast #60 – Happy National Radio Day!
We celebrate National Radio Day, August 20, with this special episode. Jennifer Waits shares her tour of the Chicago Independent Radio Project. Then Paul Riismandel and Eric Klein join her in reflecting on some of their favorite moments as radio listeners and producers. We wrap things up with Radio Survivor’s Sonic ID in honor of […]
The History and Context of Brooklyn’s Haitian Radio Stations
Brooklyn, NY has been a hotbed of pirate radio activity for quite some time. The borough is home to many ethnic and religious communities that are not well served by the region’s major broadcasters, leading some to take to the airwaves to serve local needs without a license. As Prof. John Anderson of explained […]
Radio Survivor Sonic ID National Radio Day
This is Radio Survivor’s “Sonic ID” for National Radio Day 2016 music “Modulation of the Spirit by Little Glass Men
Celebrate National Radio Day this Saturday
Turn on your radio, attend a station event, or take a “radio selfie.” There are so many ways to celebrate National Radio Day this Saturday, August 20. Observed since the 1990s, legend has it that the date was chosen because on August 20, 1920, WWJ in Detroit (then known as 8MK) first went on the […]
Podcast #57 – Celebrating the Mosaic of Community Radio
It’s time to get ready for National Radio Day on August 20. Paul Riismandel has the details at the top of the show, followed by an interview with Ernesto Aguilar, the incoming Membership Program Director of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters. He shares some highlights of the NFCB’s annual conference this past June, as […]