If you’re at all like me, you’ve got boxes upon boxes of audiocassettes, minidiscs and CD-Rs filled with air checks, interviews, and all manner of audio detritus that you may have produced or just recorded over the years. Sometimes this motley collection feels like nothing but an albatross that I move from domicile to new […]
Author Archive | Paul Riismandel
Radio Survivor Podcast #13: Why the Battle over the Pacifica Network Remains Relevant
Radio Survivor co-founder Matthew Lasar joins us this week to examine recent events at Pacifica Network’s Los Angeles station KPFK, where it’s been reported that all staff have been cut to half-time across the board. Matthew helps to put this action into perspective–especially as it regards the Pacifica Foundation’s unwieldy governance structure–and explains why Pacifica, […]
Digital Watch: Reviewing the New TuneIn Premium
TuneIn Radio has been kind of a deceptively quiet player in the online radio wars that have heated to a boiling since Apple introduced Beats 1 Radio at the end of June. Yet the service claims a user base of 60 million monthly active users who clearly find value in the service’s single-platform access to […]
Art Installation Uses Numbers Stations to Interrogate ‘Misuse of Data that Reduces Black Bodies to Numbers’
Ever since I first tuned in a staticky sequence of numbers in Spanish on the shortwave radio I got for Christmas as a kid, I’ve been fascinated by numbers stations which are thought to broadcast coded messages to spies and other clandestine agents. An upcoming art exhibition uses the structure of numbers stations to interrogate […]
Radio Survivor Podcast #12: Our Quarterly Report
With this episode we have officially been producing the show for one calendar quarter. Since this is such a new endeavor, we thought it would be useful to reflect on how the show is going, looking at the possibility of turning Radio Survivor into a syndicated radio show, and examining how well we’re getting at […]
Happy National Radio Day!
Today is the biggest National Radio Day so far, with more than 45 stations and organizations participating across North America with events and celebrations on-air and off. Stations, DJs and independent producers have created an array of creative Sonic IDs and promos to share with other stations to play on air today. Join in the […]
Digital Watch: The Inevitable Decline of Free Streaming Music; FM in More Smartphones; Mad Genius Bows Out
There has been quite a bit of action on the digital and internet radio front this past week, including more terrestrial radio in smartphones, the sign-off of a streaming radio service, and indications that free on-demand streaming music may have reached its peak, ready for an inevitable decline. T-Mobile to Activate FM in Smartphones FM […]
Radio Survivor Podcast #11: Celebrating National Radio Day
This year a diverse coalition of non-commercial radio stations are joining together to step up celebrations of National Radio Day this week on August 20. We look at the history of the holiday and reasons to celebrate this most longstanding electronic medium, and listen to some ‘Sonic IDs’ produced in its honor. Paul talks with […]
LPFM Watch: Report on 250 Watt Proposal; Prometheus Barnraisings
A slow week here in August for low-power FM, with no new construction permits approved in the last week. There was no other LPFM action from the FCC, with no applications canceled or denied, either. Here are some recent stories of note: Radio World published a thorough overview of REC Networks’ proposal to the FCC […]
Digital Watch: Bluetooth Is Magic for Podcasts and Internet Radio
Call me late to the party, but I’ve finally fallen in love with Bluetooth audio streaming. At this point most readers should be familiar with Bluetooth, which facilitates pretty easy wireless connections between devices of all kinds. In this case I’m specifically discussing using Bluetooth to send audio from a computer or mobile device to […]