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Archive | Commercial Radio

My five minutes with KREV’s Ed Stolz

As Jennifer Waits has reported, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is poised to pass a resolution calling on KREV station owner Ed Stolz to “reconsider his choice to abandon the successful format of Energy 92.7 and rehire the talented staff that provided a radio format that was adored and appreciated by so many fans […]

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"Save Energy 92.7" Resolution up for Vote at SF Board of Supes Meeting Tomorrow

Both Matthew and I have recounted the recent ownership and format change of San Francisco station Energy 92.7. The formerly gay-friendly dance music station has proven to be a fan favorite, with many people expressing their displeasure over its change to top 40. Even a member of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors, Bevan Dufty, has […]

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San Francisco Loses its Gay (Commercial) Radio Voice

San Francisco Loses Gay-Friendly Radio Station

I rarely listen to commercial radio, spending the majority of my time devoted to college and community radio stations. So, I was caught completely unaware when I read yesterday that San Francisco was losing its gay-friendly dance music station Energy 92.7. I didn’t even know that it existed. The 5-year-old station, KNGY, “often touted itself […]

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AM on FM Begins Oct. 1

AM on FM Begins Oct. 1

After rendering the AM dial a garbled mess after sunset by cramming in too many stations along with space-hogging HD signals, in 2007 the commercial radio industry came a-calling to the FCC with it’s hand out. It’s request? To let AM radio stations have repeater stations–called translators–on the FM dial. While sitting on the NAB’s […]

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Radio Advertising Bureau

Digital radio revenues up; terrestrial way down

If you are looking for the bright spot in radio’s future, it’s streaming from a digital platform. The Radio Advertising Bureau’s report for this year’s second fiscal quarter makes this abundantly clear. Local and national over-the-air radio saw a 25% drop in revenue, while digital saw a ten percent boost. Digital radio’s revenue from advertising […]

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