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Archive | Commercial Radio

George Chambers of KXIT

Texas radio station owner says he'll meet pro-performance rights movement half way

A Texas radio station manager has told the Federal Communications Commission that even though he’s boycotting musicians who support the Performance Rights Act, he’ll play PRA advocate MusicFIRST’s public service announcements over his station. “I have removed all songs of artists that are part of musicFirst and will not play their songs for now,” KXIT […]

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WBCN's last analog FM logo

One of the Last "Progressive" Rockers Goes Digital-Only

When it comes to commercial radio, I’d argue that true progressive rock radio died somewhere in the early 80s, as tighter playlisting, more frequent rotations and shorter music sets became required, and DJs by-and-large no longer picked their records. Nevertheless a handfull of stations in the top major markets held onto the progressive moniker by […]

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Corporate radio's future: dim or dimmer?

Corporate radio's future: dim or dimmer?

Cautious optimism abounds for the economic outlook, with the Federal Reserve predicting that the Great Recession is “leveling out.” Financial markets are improving, the Fed says. Household spending is “stabilizing.” Businesses are realigning inventory with sales. Thus “market forces will contribute to a gradual resumption of sustainable economic growth in a context of price stability.” […]

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Stevie Wonder’s case against the Arbitron Portable People Meter

Stevie Wonder’s case against the Arbitron Portable People Meter

Among the top Federal Communications Commission-related headlines this morning is Arbitron’s insistence, yet again, that the FCC doesn’t have regulatory authority over the alleged inadequacies of its controversial Portable People Meter (or PPM as it is acronymed). And RBR/ (the “Voice of the Broadcasting Industry”) adds its growl to the chorus: “A note to new […]

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