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Archive | Digital Radio

The bumpy road traveled by digital audio

In last week’s post about iHeartRadio I focused much of my criticism on the sound quality of the service, or lack thereof. Since the debut of the compact disc in the 1980s digital has become nearly synonymous with good sound in the world of audio, but this is not always necessarily the case. When listeners […]

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Rock radio’s war against disco

Sirius XM has announced a new music channel: Studio 54 Radio, described as a 24/7 commercial free tribute to the legendary club of the disco era. "The channel will air music that comes from the vaults and special record collections of insiders, much of which has never been heard since the club’s doors shut," the […]

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The Past Week In Radio

Catch up on stories you might have missed from the past week in radio. Dirty Money Talk radio’s biggest names are paid millions of dollars to “use a script, outline or set of talking points,” according to a new report. The Heritage Foundation pays roughly $2m for Rush Limbaugh and $1.3 for Sean Hannity. Glenn […]

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Howard University, Mormons get Sirius XM channels

At long last Sirius XM has allocated four percent of its full-time audio channels to various “qualified entity” minority oriented broadcasters. Howard University is among the winners, something I’d hoped would happen. Howard runs WHUR-FM (see YouTube clip to the right). The four percent allocation was part of the deal that Sirius XM made with […]

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Wireless broadband coalition: lift satellite radio price caps if Sirius gets off our back

Wireless broadband coalition: lift satellite radio price caps if Sirius gets off our back

The great war between Sirius satellite radio (SIRI) and the Wireless Communications System Coalition has taken another interesting turn as the Federal Communications Commission ponders whether to lift the price caps the FCC imposed on Sirius as a condition for its merger with XM in 2008. The WCS Coalition—backed by Comcast (CMCSA),  Nextwave (WAVE), and […]

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KTRU Inks HD Deal with KPFT, Still Hopes to Halt Sale of Rice University Radio Station

As we have been reporting over the past several months, KTRU, the student radio station at Rice University, has been fighting a proposed sale to University of Houston that was first announced in August. Although University of Houston hopes to eventually use the KTRU frequency for a classical public radio station (similar to what has […]

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