You don’t hear a great deal about these days, in large part because it has been eclipsed by a myriad of new streaming music services. But on Wednesday the company announced that it had forged a deal with Spotify to bring the latter’s whole catalogue to users. “Whether it be your own profile […]
Archive | file sharing

Bill would legalize extra-long music sets online for public radio
Under the provisions of the Digital Milennium Copyright Act (DMCA) there are several restrictions on streaming radio that don’t exist for terrestrial broadcast. One of the most vexing for a lot of noncommerical stations is the limitation that an online station may not play more than three songs from the same artist, album or compilation […]

10% of BitTorrent users download music – 99% of it is "likely" illegal
A recent survey performed by Princeton senior Sauhard Sahi under the supervision of Edward Felten attempted to discover the types of files available on BitTorrent, a popular file distribution website. According to the study, 10 percent of the shared files contained music: “For the music category, the predominant encoding format for music was MP3, there […]