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Archive | piracy

More radio movies for the holidays

A quick addendum to my post on ten essential radio themed movies for the holidays. We got a pertinent tweet from @ResearchDirectr: Best #radio movies and FM didn’t make the list? — Research Director (@ResearchDirectr) December 15, 2014 Ouchie! Indeed, FM should definitely be high up there on anyone’s list of movies about radio […]

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Halloween is a pirate radio holiday

As the Shortwave Listening Post reminds us, Halloween is a peak broadcast day for unlicensed shortwave pirates. For folks with a shortwave radio, SWLing blogger Thomas instructs, “Turn on your radio anytime today, but especially around twilight and tune between 6,920 – 6,980 kHz. Pirates broadcast on both AM and SSB; you’re bound to hear […]

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Does the college/community radio show before yours influence your program?

Are you a college/community/LPFM/unlicensed music show host? Does the show that comes on before you have an impact on your program, or your efforts to cultivate an audience? I ask now because I forgot to mention the question when I moderated a National Federation of Community Broadcasters workshop panel on great music programs. I first […]

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UK Pirate Radio - Now and Then

UK Pirate Radio – Now and Then Widgets Sunday was the forty-sixth anniversary of Radio Caroline, one of the most famous UK pirate stations of the 1960s, and the inspiration for the recent movie Pirate Radio a/k/a The Boat That Rocked. Those radio pirates were inspired, in part, by the fact that the BBC played almost no rock music, and was […]

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Free Speech Radio

The Latest in Pirate Radio: FCC Enforcement, Austin Free-Staters and Canadian Strip Club Pirate

On my recently ended radioshow I tried to reguarly to give updates on unlicensed radio. To me it’s one of the still lively modes of civil disobedience in electronic communications, especially in the internet age. Although there is low-power FM in the US, and a growing community radio movement world-wide, the urge to broadcast without […]

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Pirate Radio

Pirate Radio Opens Tomorrow

It’s always fun for me to see how radio gets portrayed in popular culture and I often revel in all of the inaccuracies. David Silver as a high school, college, and commercial radio DJ on the original Beverly Hills, 90210 was always a treat to watch and make fun of. DJ David Silver would rap […]

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