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Archive | International


UK ponders 12 year terms for “re-advertised” analog radio stations

The United Kingdom’s broadcast regulator Ofcom is considering letting “re-advertised” analog radio station licenses extend for twelve years, the maximum possible license length. The current policy is to set licenses approaching their expiration date at seven, but “market and regulatory developments” since 2010 suggest a reconsideration, a Ofcom consultation concludes: ” . . . we […]

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50th Anniversary Celebrations for Radio Caroline, the UK’s 1st Pirate Rock N Roll Ship

March 27 is the 50th anniversary of the launch of Radio Caroline, the infamous pirate radio ship that brought rock n’ roll to the UK airwaves and sparked many a pirate radio fantasy thereafter. On that day in 1964 Radio Caroline began broadcasting with a test transmission. Broadcasts Aboard a ship In Liverpool the Mersey […]

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Sounding Out

Caribbean Radio Histories

I love learning about both radio history and international radio, so was pleased to see an analysis of the early history of Caribbean radio on the Sounding Out! blog this week. Part of a 4-part series focused on radio broadcasting in the Caribbean and South America, Alejandra Bronfman’s article, Radio de Accion: Violent Circuits, Contentious […]

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SCMS conference

Radio and Podcasting Events at 2014 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference

There’s been a lot of great energy in recent years surrounding the field of sound studies, in which scholars are increasingly looking at the importance of the auditory aspects of media culture. Within the world of sound studies, a growing group of radio scholars is working hard to ensure that an academic lens is focused […]

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Echo of Moscow

Russian radio station drops dissident blogger to keep website open

The New York Times reports that Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) has stopped publishing the  posts of a dissident blogger on its website to avoid a government initiated shutdown. The blogger in question is Aleksei A. Navalny. Station editor Aleksei A. Venediktov told a news service that he had been warned by Russia’s general prosecutor […]

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Mexican community radio activist released from prison; still faces charges

Community radio and free speech activists around the world are following the case of Alma Delia Olivares, a Mexican journalist now released after days of detention in late February. Various news items say that Olivares still faces charges that include “audio pollution” and “illegal use of the nation’s good.” The World Association of Community Radio […]

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Community Radio News Collage2

Community Radio News: Hungary’s Civil Radio Facing Financial and Political Threats, and more

With the FCC approving dozens of LPFM applications there’s a lot of excitement about community radio right now. But let’s not forget about the thousands of other community stations around the world serving their local communities in a variety of ways. Here’s some recent community radio news. Robin Hood Radio Taking Over AM Station in […]

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Pirate Radio

Pirate Radio Round-Up: Syrian opposition stations; Protests grow over jailed Irish radio activist; FCC enforcement in 2013; more

There’s been quite a bit about unlicensed radio in the news lately. So it’s time for a pirate radio round-up: NY Times reports on Syrian opposition stations; Protest grow in Ireland over jailed peace and radio activist; FCC’s 2013 enforcement tallied up; When pirate radio ruled an English seaside town. NY Times Reports on Syrian […]

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