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‘Q Radio’ breaking LGBT barriers in India

A Bangalore based radio station dedicated to exploring ‘gender fluidity’ is making waves in India and the rest of the world, judging by the level of media coverage it has gotten. The “Q” in Q Radio “stands for queer,” explains a station staffer in the YouTube video below. “It is for the LBGT community. It […]

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Ruhila Adatia-Sood's East FM Presenter page

Rest in peace Ruhila Adatia-Sood of East FM, Nairobi

Radio Africa host Ruhila Adatia-Sood was known as a “celebrity presenter” in Nairobi. Kenya’s “gossip girl,” others called her. A fixture on radio and TV outlets, she was hosting a cooking competition for children at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi when terrorists descended upon the area last Saturday, killing over sixty civilians and wounding […]

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Independent journalists broadcast clandestine radio stations inside Syria

Last week I asked what outside and independent news and information sources are available inside Syria. In particular, I wondered what radio outlets are available. Tom Fudge, news director of KPBS, provides an answer to my question in a story aired last Thursday. He talked with a handful of independent Syrian journalists who visited San […]

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Radio Barkas: Europe’s vintage LP radio party car

Meet Radio Barkas, by its own description: “the smallest mobile radio station in the Netherlands.” I am not sure whether Barkas actually broadcasts via an AM or FM signal. It seems to mostly travel around the Low Countries and the rest of Europe in a tiny green-on-the-inside-grey-on-the-outside Fiat-like automobile. Inside the vehicle sits a turntable […]

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What outside radio and information are available to the people of Syria?

As I publish this piece Wednesday evening it is increasingly likely there will be military attacks on Syria by the US, Britain and allies in response to evidence that the Syrian government carried out chemical weapons attacks on its own citizens. It is certainly a tense situation, and for the people of Syria the situation […]

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Radio Free Sarawak

Radio Free Sarawak and the fight against deforestation in Borneo

The New York Times has an interesting profile of former BBC journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown, a prominent voice in the struggle against deforestation in Malaysia. The daughter of a colonial era Malaysian police officer, Brown contributes to Radio Free Sarawak, a shortwave operation with an estimated ten thousand listeners. “If you have a problem in […]

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