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Save the Village

Students Occupy Camosun College Radio Station to Protest Cuts

This week students at Camosun College in Victoria, British Columbia took over the campus radio station,, in order to protest cuts to the radio program. According to an article in the Vancouver Sun, “College president Kathryn Laurin announced the suspension of the applied communication program last week in a round of deep cuts to […]

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Support Your Media Day

Today is Support Your Media Day

Regular readers of Radio Survivor likely are aware that we’re big fans of independent media, especially, and obviously, independent radio. It seems quite serendipitous that during the same week as World Radio Day we also have Support Your Media Day. It’s a one-day fundraiser focused on some of the most vital independent media organizations online, […]

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World Radio Day

Radio dissenters: the global struggle for free speech

As the United Nation’s UNESCO agency celebrates World Radio Day, it is important to remember that independent radio broadcasters around the globe face constant hostility from their governments. They must contend with regimes that politicize the licensing process, explicitly forbid free speech, or even prosecute radio hosts in the courts. Radio Survivor has covered many […]

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World Radio Day is February 13, 2012

Celebrating World Radio Day on February 13

Monday, February 13, 2012 is World Radio Day as proposed by UNESCO back in September. According to the UNESCO website, “13 February is a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio broadcast, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access to information through radio, including community radios. It’s an […]

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KICK FM May Get Booted off FM for Training Students

Canadian Campus Radio Station KICK-FM May Lose FM license if it Continues to Train Students

Word came out today that Canadian campus radio station KICK-FM (CKIC-FM) has heard from the regulatory agency Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) that it is in danger of losing its FM license if it continues to provide radio training to students. The Winnipeg-based station is located at Red River College and is owned by […]

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Klub Radio

Hungary’s Klub Radio fighting for life; civil liberties advocates cry foul

Residents of Budapest staged a big rally on Sunday on behalf of Klub Radio [Klubrádió], which brands itself as “the only talk & news radio station in Hungary with a scrutinizing attitude towards government and social issues.” The uproar is over Hungary’s Media Council (or Media Authority), now controlled by that country’s center-right government, which […]

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