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South Africa community radio station forced to cancel discussion about mining deal

It looks like the staff of South Africa community radio station Madibeng FM 105.3 thought an on air dialogue with activists critical about a cash-for-mining-access deal would go smoothly. Unfortunately they were wrong. On Thursday beneficiaries of the controversial arrangement with the Lonmin platinum metals consortium surrounded the building and forced management to shut the program […]

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BBC Broadcast House - Flickr

The Ghost of Broadcasting House

The BBC is entangled in a scandal which has strained relationships between its management and broadcasters, almost to breaking point, and devalued the public’s trust in the BBC. It is a case study in how inappropriate behaviour can become entrenched and out of control-and how hard it is for a large organisation to deal with […]

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Nearly 50k sign petition to protect Australian community radio

On Saturday July 2 Australia will hold national elections for all 226 members of its Parliament. Supporters of community radio across the country are taking advantage of this attention to demand the restoration of $1.4 million in cuts to the service. Almost 49,000 Australians have added their names to a #keepcommunityradio petition page. The petition reads in […]

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RTÉ Radio 1

Saving RTÉ 252 Long Wave, Ireland’s Long Distance Broadcast Service

Listeners are campaigning to save a long wave radio station from closure, but the management are adamant it will close. RTÉ Radio 1 is the general information and entertainment service of the Irish Republic’s public service broadcaster. UK listeners can currently hear the station on internet, Freesat (satellite radio) and 252 kHz long wave. The […]

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Radio Rights Watch

It’s time to make Haiti’s 40+ community radio stations legit

Reading the Miami Herald’s piece on Haiti’s 40 or so community radio stations, I kept wondering to myself, are they legal or not? The article says these signals are “difficult to locate” and have “no official listings and, under Haitian law, the stations do not exist.” So they’re not exactly pirate but they’re not really legitimate […]

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