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Archive | Internet radio

Congestion ahead; next twenty years.

Four reasons why net neutrality matters for mobile radio

We’ve been following the Federal Communication Commission’s latest open Internet proposal, and like my colleague Paul Riismandel, I’m skeptical about it. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s plan seems tailor made to forge a two-tiered Internet in which the big ISPs pick winners and losers via priority access “fast lane” deals. The big question for us around […]

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Blowing in the wind? Pandora to launch Kleenex music channel

Pandora is now experimenting with channels sponsored by Kleenex, Taco Bell, and Sketchers. These are called Promoted Stations. Here’s the dope straight from the source: “Listeners that are part of the beta launch will have these stations auto-populate, one station at a time, in the ‘Stations You Might Like’ sections of their playlists. This allows […]

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Mandarin Pop! four great Grooveshark broadcast channels

I am wandering about Grooveshark this week, and there is much to enjoy. Here are some broadcast channels well worth exploring: Film Scores Too. A very nice continuous stream of movie and personal soundtrack tunes. Very good choices. As I write the room keepers are playing Italian soundtrack composer Ludovico Einaudi’s Una Mattina, a gorgeous […]

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Sen. Al Franken vs. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler

Sen. Franken Says FCC’s Proposal Would “Destroy” Open Internet

Minnesota Senator Al Franken is one of the stronger Congressional advocates of network neutrality. He is also a firm opponent of communication industry consolidation, as well as a former radio host. On Tuesday Franken sent a strongly worded letter [PDF] to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler about the Commission’s proposed Open Internet rules. He does not […]

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