The fascinating world of online stuff and online music sharing continues to navigate its strange post-modern course as worried projections about and Pandora Media waft across the news/blogosphere. What do Pandora and Amazon have in common? They function in an environment in which revenue and profits appear to depend on technology, but in fact depend […]
Archive | Internet radio
FCC Open Internet Proposal: “Commercially Reasonable” Discrimination Is OK
Last night I was willing to give FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler the benefit of the doubt when he released a statement saying, “There are reports that the FCC is gutting the Open Internet rule. They are flat out wrong.” Today I know that benefit was misplaced. After listening to a conference call the FCC had […]
FCC Chair Says Reports of Net Neutrality Turnaround Are “Flat Out Wrong”
Wednesday afternoon reports surfaced saying that new proposed open internet rules from the FCC will permit companies to pay internet service providers, like Comcast or AT&T, to deliver their content faster. The source of the report has only been credited to an unnamed “FCC official.” The reaction to this news was swift, with many consumer […]
Community Service Wins Portland Radio Project Murrow Awards
A focus on community service is already paying off for a six-month-old online station in Portland, Oregon. The Portland Radio Project, which I profiled back in October, just won two Regional Edward R. Murrow awards presented by The Radio Television Digital News Association. Regional award winners then have a shot at a national award, which […]
How to find J.S. Bach on Bandcamp
I’m rummaging around the indie artist site Bandcamp to see if there are any good classical tracks, and there most certainly are: You have absolutely got to listen to Sly 5th Avenue do a saxophone/violin meditation on a Bach theme. It’s gorgeous. And while we are on that composer, Pianobeat has a really nice album […]
Wheeler Profile Reveals Very Little Info on Radio or Net Neutrality
On Friday the Washington Post published a profile of FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler that vividly paints some of his quirks, but reveals very little of his policy outlook. Anyone looking for insights on radio or net neutrality here will be disappointed. We do get some additional bellyaching from the National Association of Broadcasters, who wish […]
The art of the classical radio deejay website
Say you’ve got a classical music radio show on some college or public radio station. Like a lot of classical radio deejays, you may be the sole representative of this genre on your signal. Everybody else does a pop genre, or jazz or folk or something along those lines. Under these circumstances, it makes sense […]
More Music on Chromecast with the Addition of Rhapsody
Rhapsody is the often overlooked veteran of streaming music world. While frequently overshadowed by the likes of Spotify, the service reminds us that it’s still here after more than a decade, announcing on Friday that it now supports Chromecast via its Android app. iOS support will happen later this month, the company says. So, make […]
Classical communities at if you can’t make one, join one
Most Radio Survivor readers have doubtless forgotten my effort to create a hybrid classical music room at Alas, I tried to pull it out of thin air without any of the real life connections you need to make an Internet music chat room work. Happily, someone remembered and brought a new one to my […]
Amazon’s New Fire TV Looks Like a Nice Internet Radio
Today Amazon announced its own set-top streaming box, the Fire TV, to compete with the likes of Roku, Apple TV and Chromecast. It’s more like the two former devices and less like Chromecast because it’s not completely device-dependent and can be operated with its own remote using an on-screen menu. However, it does offer mirroring […]