has rolled out its new look and expanded community based structure. I am wandering about its corridors, marveling at the sights. Here are six of the most well attended communities as of this weekend. All of them revel in various kinds of dubstep, electronica, and sampling based themes and sounds. 1. Monstercat + Tasty […]
Archive | Internet radio
5 persistent challenges for internet radio stations
This is an update of a piece that originally appeared in the October 7 edition of our free weekly email newsletter, the Radio Survivor Bulletin. Sign up now to get this digest of important and insightful links and commentary about the future of radio. I’ve talked with a number of people, companies and groups making many different kinds […]
RadioSearchEngine delivers instant gratification, but not yet the Google of radio
Online radio entrepreneur Michael Robertson has unveiled yet another station portal, this one called, simply enough, (RSE). Is this a possible contender to become the “Google of radio”? I spent several fun hours testing RSE and surfing radio from around the world with ease. The site delivers on music search results for songs, artists […] from rooms to “communities” is rolling out a new design this Saturday. What interests me most about the remake is that the online deejay service is dubbing its rooms “communities”: “The first thing you’ll notice is the lobby has been redesigned and is now called ‘Communities’. We decided to change the name to reflect how much we value […]
Talking Heads: debating the Spotify “rental” market
I am reading Paul Riismandel’s summary of Day One of the Future of Music Summit. It appears that all digital music policy discussion roads lead to Spotify. “It seemed like every [FOMS] conversation that dealt even a little bit with royalty payments and artist income always veered back to Spotify,” Paul notes. “On this there […]
Pandora while driving? Safety may depend on your listening gear
In my third installment of my Internet radio in my car diary, I admit that I have tuned in to Pandora in my Honda Civic while driving on the freeway. You probably think this isn’t much of a confession. But I found the experience distracting enough to wonder whether I should make it a habit. […]
Radio should pay & no consensus on Spotify: Impressions from day 1 of the Future of Music Summit
Fighting off as-yet-undiagnosed intermittent internet issues I still managed to watch a good portion of several Monday sessions from the Future of Music Summit in Washington, DC. While I cannot report substantially on any one session, I can give my overall impressions of the day. It seems like there were three major recurring themes: 1. […]
The art of wiring a Palm Treo to your car stereo
Shortly after posting my piece about BlueToothing my Droid Razr to my Panasonic car stereo, I got this fascinating response from San Diego based indie consultant Bob Hudson: “I put Internet radio in my car back in 2005,” Hudson wrote, “connecting a Palm Treo through the car’s audio system using one those audio adapters that […]
CBS should make Audio AdCenter the AdWords of online radio
CBS Radio today announced a new self-service platform to buy advertising on the online streams of its radio stations, called Audio AdCenter. Normally this is not the kind of industry announcement that we would dedicate space to here at Radio Survivor. But taking look at the site demonstrated to me that this is the sort […]
Portland Radio Project plans to reunite public service and music
The public service obligation of radio broadcasters has changed, and not for the better. That reality is what’s driving a group of Oregon volunteers to create the Portland Radio Project, a new locally-oriented online station that starts streaming October 18. The group is running a Kickstarter for $100,000 to build and fund a station that […]