I grew up in Sunnyvale, California, in the heart of “Silicon Valley,” and my entire life has been shaped by the ever-advancing technologies being invented in my childhood backyard. Perhaps that’s part of the reason why the death of Steve Jobs yesterday has hit me in ways that I wouldn’t expect. It was a source […]
Archive | Internet radio
We remember Steve Jobs, who changed radio
I’m sure most Radio Survivor readers have already heard about the passing of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. Jobs will be rightly celebrated for how his company’s products, directed by his unique vision, changed the way most of us make and consume media. This includes radio. Whether intentionally or not, the introduction of the iPod […]
Turntable.fm: we’re working on the connection glitches
If you’ve been using Turntable.fm over the last few days, you know that the system has been freezing and crashing a lot, certainly on Firefox and Chrome browsers. Some DJs are losing their connections, chat messages are lagging or not posting, and users are being dropped out of rooms. The tt.fm blog has an update […]
RadioFlag’s Search Engine for Radio Courts College Stations
Amid all of the new tools for music discovery, there are many that get lumped in with online radio since they approximate a radio listening experience. Whether it’s algorithms or human DJs selecting the tunes, these customized playlists may feel like the radio of the 21st century to their users. Since I still love old-fashioned […]
In search of Doris Day on the new iHeartRadio app
I’m listening to Clear Channel’s new updated version of iHeartRadio, which allows you to create Pandora-like music channels. iHeart is pretty easy to access via your Facebook account. And if you overlook the annoyance that it requires you to ‘like’ it to get started, it’s a limited but reasonable application. Once you’re logged in, you […]
Four cool turntable.fm extensions for Chrome
I’m continuing to cultivate my turntable.fm addiction by experimenting with various extensions of the music social networking application for the Chrome browser. No doubt there are many. So far I’ve found four that I enjoy. First a quick refresher. The way turntable.fm works is that you join a room as either a listener or a […]
Need a death metal radio widget for your blog? Here you go
This is one of those innovations where I’m sure it has been done elsewhere, but this version seems pretty elegant. You’ve got a blog about death metal rock. Maybe you’d like a widget that links to a death metal rock channel 24/7? Well, to your right meet “Radio Doom,” hosted by Adam Shore and his […]
Spotify in the US – a review: Is it a Pandora & last.fm killer?
Spotify is an online streaming music service that has been available in parts of Europe since 2008. It differentiates itself from popular US music services like Pandora and last.fm by permitting users to actually select the specific artists and songs to hear, rather than only relying upon an algorithm to choose music similar to a […]
Turntable.fm’s best kept secret: great classical music
Everybody’s talking about turntable.fm these days, the service that allows you to create your own music rooms and share tunes with your friends. The New York based startup is such a huge hit that it appears that Lady Gaga and Kanye West are investing their possibly hard earned cash in the application. We did a […]
Turntable.fm: a new kind of DJ
As I write this post, I am part of a DJ team on Turntable.fm for the freaky friday throwdown room. The room system is in beta at this point, I’m told, but there are five DJs and the music has been pretty wonderful so far. Here are the last five songs: Around The World – […]