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Archive | Internet radio

Internet DJ Radio

Facebook's undiscovered radio apps

There are Facebook applications for practically everything these days, so I thought I’d check out what the possibilities were for streaming radio. But after running a search for the term “radio” in Facebook Applications section, I was surprised by the relatively small number allowing for music streaming. One of the best results that I could […]

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iPhone OS 4

Pandora promises background listening for the iPhone

You can listen to Pandora just about anywhere if you’ve got an iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android (or at least anywhere that your respective network can reach). But there’s one thing missing on the iPhone: background listening. That, however, is about to change, according to Pandora’s Tom Conrad. “Some weeks ago Apple invited us to a […]

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Radio Still Relevant, Although not Necessarily for Music Discovery according to Infinite Dial Study

Radio Still Relevant, Although not Necessarily for Music Discovery according to Infinite Dial Study

Yesterday Edison Research and Arbitron (ARB) released the latest findings from their ongoing series of studies about the convergence of radio and technology. The Infinite Dial 2010: Digital Platforms and the Future of Radio is based on a February, 2010 telephone survey of more than 1700 people in the United States and serves as a […]

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source: FCC

Wireless companies blast Sirius XM in spectrum controversy

The Federal Communications Commission has called for comment on proposed rules intended to prevent interference between Sirius XM radio (SIRI)  and wireless broadband in the 2.3 GHz band area. But when Sirius XM asked for a one week extension on the comment deadline, the organization representing the various wireless companies blasted the request. “At virtually […]

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NPR, Pandora ready for iPad

NPR, Pandora ready for iPad

The iPad cometh, and Pandora and National Public Radio say they’re ready. Yesterday Pandora announced Pandora on the iPad: “I think of it as the ultimate lean-in Pandora experience,” declares Pandora CTO Tom Conrad. “Just tap the Pandora icon and let the music play while you read about the bands and music you discover. Pass […]

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