Slacker says it’s firing up its mobile radio service for Canada. Hey Canadians, what other services do you have up there? Send us your comments.

Slacker says it’s firing up its mobile radio service for Canada. Hey Canadians, what other services do you have up there? Send us your comments.
Free Press, Consumers Union, and the Media Access Project wrote a letter to the FCC this week urging the Commission to continue its investigation of Verizon Wireless’ increased early termination fees (ETFs) for smartphones.
The biggest news at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show might be Google’s new Nexus smartphone, but that doesn’t mean there’s no space for radio in all the gadget frenzy. Your resident RadioSurvivors don’t yet have the travel budget to jet off to Vegas to roam the show floor in person. Instead, I’m picking through the […]
One of the most satisfying aspects of putting together our review of the decade’s most important radio trends was the number of comments we received. It appears we touched a nerve or two. And while not everyone agreed with our arguments or conclusions, we did get some thought provoking responses. Seeing as how we like […]
As I said in my introduction to our subjective and opinionated review of radio in the 2000s, I still think it was darn near impossible to predict how the medium of radio would end up at the beginning of 2010. Sure, the seeds for satellite radio, HD radio, low-power FM, internet radio and MP3s were […] Widgets Reading Jennifer Waits’ excellent history of Internet radio, I’m pondering the same question everyone else is these days: How am I going to listen to it? Just go to and you can choose from an amazing assortment of streaming audio receivers. But before we look at some of them, I’ve got an […]
Are the music features in Verizon’s Mobile Web browser worth the data costs and high early termination fee? We talked with current and prospective Verizon consumers about the issue.
At end of the first decade of the 21st century there are more audio entertainment options available than any time before. Even if traditional broadcast radio has a case of the doldrums, the viability of radio-like media has never been stronger. Satellite radio is one medium that entered the scene, although its long-term prognosis is […]
Although today’s New York Times claims that “Internet Radio Stations are the New Wave,” a look back at the past decade makes it very clear that Internet Radio’s growing influence is hardly revolutionary news. In fact, it’s hard to overstate the importance of the Internet and Internet Radio during the last 10 years. The radio […]
Music listening has changed dramatically in the past decade in large part because of the rise of digital music. Following the explosion and shut down of illegal file sharing service Napster (1999-2001), a variety of digital music companies attempted to profit from the burgeoning interest in music delivery via the Internet. Some focused on music […]