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Radio Stations in Somalia Threatened Again over Music

Radio Stations in Somalia Threatened Again over Music

As we reported last week, radio stations in Somalia have been pressured to cease playing music by militant Islamist groups. Under threat of violence, these stations opted to replace music with all-talk formats, punctuated by sounds of animals, nature, and machinery. On Tuesday the government of Somalia actually ordered four Mogadishu radio stations to play […]

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Music Banned from Radiowaves in Somalia

Music Banned from Radiowaves in Somalia

There are growing concerns about the control that militant groups are wielding over citizens and media outlets after music was banned from Somali radio on Tuesday and school bells were outlawed from a Somali town on Thursday. Today’s New York Times reports that, “Insurgent groups in Somalia have increasingly alienated the population by imposing a […]

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Radio's Critical Role in War-Torn Regions: Interactive Radio for Justice's Work to Empower Citizens in Central Africa

Radio's Critical Role in War-Torn Regions: Interactive Radio for Justice's Work to Empower Citizens in Central Africa

The recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti are a strong reminder about the importance of radio as a communications tool, especially in times of disaster. Haitian radio stations have served to help with rescue efforts and shortwave radio operators in Chile were also instrumental in transmitting tsunami updates and emergency communications. Along these lines, the […]

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New Pew Internet and American Life Study's Take on Radio News Consumers

New Pew Internet and American Life Study's Take on Radio News Consumers

A study released this week from the Pew Internet and American Life Project reveals some interesting tidbits about how people in the United States are increasingly turning to the Internet as a major source for news. However, the report, “Understanding the Participatory News Consumer” (PDF) also highlights the fact that people continue to seek information […]

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RadioSurvivor's Top Radio Shows - Paul's #1: Free Speech Radio News

RadioSurvivor's Top Radio Shows – Paul's #1: Free Speech Radio News Widgets In January of 2000 struggles over the management of the Pacifica Foundation were at a fever pitch. As the owner of five major community radio stations in New York, LA, Berkeley, Houston and Washington DC, as well as the national Pacifica Network, the Pacifica National Board and its executive director were accused of […]

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Radio, Apparently, Is Not Part of Chicago's Media Future. But It Should Be.

This past Saturday I attended the Chicago Media Future Conference, which was an unofficial follow-up to the Chicago Journalism Town Hall held in February. Both events intended to address the current perceived crisis in journalism as evidenced with the closure of papers, reporters getting laid off and a sharp decline in ad revenue. One attendee […]

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