The University of Wisconsin-Parkside’s student-run station WIPZ has apparently been on the air since the early 1990s, broadcasting on AM, then FM and online. The station has never had a license, presumably operating at very low power under what are known as Part 15 regulations which govern unlicensed operation of devices that radiate radio frequency […]
Archive | College Radio
Radio Survivor has the most comprehensive weekly coverage of college radio. Read our About College Radio page to learn the history and fundamentals of this unique class of radio.
College Radio's Love-Hate Relationship with Non-Student DJs
When you tune in to your favorite college radio station you might be surprised to learn that the people behind the microphones might not actually be college students. Many college radio stations rely on non-student DJs and it’s not uncommon for some stations to have more DJs from the community than from the college. On […]
Hear Something a Little Different on the Radio Today?
Did you get fooled today? Radio stations are often one of the last remaining outlets to celebrate April Fool’s with gusto. Morning show DJs read fake news reports, radio shows are replaced, and some stations switch their formats for 24 hours. Howard Stern once pretended that he’d been fired on April 1st over his crude […]
Hey radio deejays, I want more back announcing!
Man, of all the things that commercial radio has dropped over the last decade or so, I miss back announcing the most. Yes, that lost courtesy of actually telling you the name of the song you just heard, and maybe even the one before that too. Apparently in this time-is-money-to-the-nanosecond age of broadcast radio, back […]
RIP Alex Chilton, Bring on the Radio Tributes Widgets The sad news that seminal musician and producer Alex Chilton died started spilling out over the Internet on St. Patrick’s Day evening, just as SXSW was getting started in Austin. Chilton’s band Big Star was scheduled to play at the festival on Saturday, at a much-anticipated show (which will now be a tribute/memorial […]
Indie Radio Guide to SXSW 2010
Well, the geeks are getting ready to flee Austin to make way for all of the radio folks streaming in for the music portion of this massive festival of technology, music and film that is South by Southwest (SXSW). As in years past, radio stations have both a visible and audible presence; hosting shows, doing […]
Let the Music and Radio Conference Frenzy Begin: First Up- SXSW
Last week’s Intercollegiate Broadcasting System conference (IBS for short) kicked off the music and radio convention season and there appears to be no end in sight for broadcasters and music lovers over the course of the next few weeks. If you’re hoping to immerse yourself in music, bond with broadcasters, or geek out about the […]
14,420 Radio Stations in the US
At the end of last month the FCC released its tallies for the total number of broadcast stations in the US as of Sept. 31, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2009. When you see the big number of 14,420 full-service radio stations it’s a big reminder that radio is still an enormous media presence in this […]
College Radio's Hidden History Widgets In light of the 70th anniversary of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s (IBS) annual conference last weekend, it’s a good time to reflect on the college radio pioneers who rarely get mentioned in radio history discussions. My fascination with the early days of college radio began when I started diving into the history of […]
70th Annual IBS College Radio Conference Hits NYC
It seems that most folks have short-term memory when it comes to college radio, as there’s much nostalgia for the supposed college radio “heyday” in the 1980s. Many would be surprised (and even shocked) to know that student radio has a tradition going back for more than 70 years. In fact, some of the earliest […]