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FCC schedules first Low Power FM webinar for August 20

“Making #LPFM a reality in San Francisco is like trying to climb the pyramids of Giza all at the same time,” one of my favorite radio station makers tweeted about twenty hours ago. To the rescue (hopefully) comes the Federal Communications Commission, which has just announced two webinars on Low Power FM. The first will […]

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Ofcom community radio chart

UK media report: total community radio revenue up, but average income down

The United Kingdom’s broadcast regulator Ofcom has released a new report on UK media. Among the findings: the average income for a community radio license in 2012 declined by 5.4% to £57,000, despite the fact that total revenue for the country’s 207 community stations grew to £10.5 million. Why the seemingly contradictory pattern? As we’ve […]

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$19.5k Seattle grant helps Hollow Earth radio reach for Low Power FM license

Great news for Hollow Earth Internet radio in Seattle, Washington. The city’s Department of Information Technology has given the station a $19,487 matching fund planning grant to apply for a Low Power FM license this fall. The Federal Communications Commission’s application window for LPFMs opens on October 15. Here’s the grant language: “Help transition from […]

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Pacifica radio in the Age of Obama

Long time KPFA staffer Kellia Ramares-Watson has an interesting piece in The Leftist Review on the present and future of Pacifica radio, which owns KPFA. Kellia worked for the News and Operations departments at the station for some time, but quit when cutbacks (in her words) “imposed by the interim GM at KPFA, under orders […]

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Pacifica radio network

Board elections stall at Pacifica radio network

Around now the Pacifica radio network should be hiring a supervisor to oversee Local Station Board elections for the foundation’s five listener supported radio stations. But the going has been slow, probably because the skeleton crew that runs the Pacifica National Office fears the costs of running the races and sending out mail ballots to […]

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