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Archive | Community Radio

Youth Radio of Oakland: smashed windows won’t stop us

Youth Radio of Oakland, California took some fallout from the George Zimmerman not-guilty verdict on Monday night. The Peabody award winning media education group reports that two of the street windows of its downtown Oakland HQ were smashed amid various protest marches. Several other storefronts also sustained some damage. Apparently some Youth Radio participants tried […]

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Will KBOO FM take Thom Hartmann?

Progressive talk radio host Thom Hartmann has offered Portland, Oregon community radio station KBOO-FM his three hour daily show. I have verified this from Hartmann’s producer Louise Hartmann. “Yes we have,” she responded to a query. “No charge. Free.” Meanwhile KBOO’s Interim Program Director Erin Yanke says the station is indeed considering putting the program […]

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Pacifica Radio Archives gets $128k grant for US women history-makers project

The National Archives has awarded the Pacifica Radio Archives $128,241 to complete its “American Women Making History and Culture” project. Specifically: “To support a two year project to preserve and make accessible a collection of approximately 1,644 historical radio programs (2,013 reel-to-reel audio recordings) documenting American Women Making History and Culture from 1963-1982.” This is […]

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Corporation for Public Broadcasting

CPB on WBAI: the good news is that we are talking, but . . .

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Ombudsman Joel Kaplan’s anticipated second commentary on Pacifica station WBAI in New York City is out, and Kaplan says he’s gotten some responses to his original request for comment on gripes about “questionable fundraising ethics” at the station. They come from ‘BAI Public Affairs director Kathy Davis and interim Development Director […]

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Jules Greenstein

Good morning Boonton! HomegrownRadioNJ at eight

07/09/2013 – around 10:00 am: I am listening to Beth Bush-Greenstein and Jules Greenstein’s “Free for All” show on HomegrownRadioNJ, an Internet radio station that operates from a studio in downtown Boonton, New Jersey. The duo come on most Tuesdays from 9 am through noon, and have just played the second movement of Mahler’s First […]

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A 2011 Ofcom breakdown of community radio stations in the UK.

Report: new UK community radio station launched (on average) every 13 days

Ofcom, the United Kingdom’s broadcast regulator, has released its annual report for April 2012 through March 2013. This paragraph caught my eye: Over 200 community radio stations are now broadcasting in locations across the UK. Since Ofcom awarded the first community radio licence in 2005, a new station has launched on average every 13 days, […]

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Uncle Sidney’s take on the next WBAI

As we reported last week, everyone at Pacifica station WBAI in New York City has received layoff notices. The move follows a long spate of bad luck, most notably an unsuccessful marathon and Hurricane Sandy. Here’s a guest blog post from long time WBAI programmer Sidney “Uncle Sidney” Smith, with his take on the situation: […]

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UK expands community radio in Northern England

The United Kingdom’s broadcast regulator has opened up sections of Northern England to applications for FM community radio stations. These regions include West and South Yorkshire, Humberside, and North West England. North West England is the third most populous official region of the UK, following Greater London and South East. Yorkshire is the geographically the biggest […]

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