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Archive | Community Radio

Sign at KZYX (photo: J. Waits)

Latest FCC Statistics Show Increase in Number of Licensed Radio Stations in 2012

Today the FCC released its quarterly list of the total number of licensed broadcast stations in the United States. Based on FCC statistics through December 30, 2012, the number of licensed broadcast radio stations is still on the rise, continuing the trend that we’ve seen every quarter this year. Based on this list, there are […]

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Chicago commercial station picks up non-commercial news program Democracy Now

Chicago’s commerical “progressive talk” station WCPT is becoming a foster home of sorts for popular radio programs that have lost their homes on the non-commercial end of the dial. The daily independent news hour Democracy Now began airing on WCPT January 2. The program joins Smiley and West, which was exiled from Chicago Public Radio […]

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Liveblog: FCC meeting on Low Power FM rules

The Federal Communications Commission is holding a meeting this morning to finalize its rules on translators and Low Power FM. I thought I’d live blog a bit while listening to the event. If you have a commentary or statement on the subject as it develops, send it over to me here. [liveblog]

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Galveston Community Radio

City of Galveston Asks Cumulus to Consider Donating Silent KSTB to Community Group

The Galveston Daily News is reporting that a local group, Galveston Community Radio, is calling for Cumulus to donate its silenced station KSTB 101.5 FM (Crystal Beach, Texas) to them. According to the article, “If Cumulus agreed, Galveston Community Radio would create a station offering local news, emergency information and a mix of music with […]

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Meredith Axelrod

Whistling Prince Albert at Radio Valencia

Two Sundays ago I was hanging out at free form radio station Radio Valencia in San Francisco, and in walked jazz singer/guitarist Meredith Axelrod. Axelrod spoke with the Gramophoney Baloney show’s DJ McShmormac, then schmoozed some more with DJ Ferrara and Malderor and Dr. Junk. Of course we all wanted Axelrod to sing. As a bonus, […]

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Alice's Restaurant album cover

Thanksgiving “Alice’s Restaurant” Radio Tradition Continues in 2012

Catch Alice’s Restaurant on the 2023 radio dial. See our latest listening guide. A few years back I wrote about the tradition of many radio stations playing the lengthy song “Alice’s Restaurant” on Thanksgiving. Every year I’m curious to see how many stations plan to play the classic folk song. Apparently listeners are vocal about […]

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