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Archive | Community Radio

WFMU needs help

Sandy update: how to help WBAI and WFMU

East coast community radio stations WBAI-FM in New York City and WFMU-FM in New Jersey are still trying to dig themselves out of the Hurricane Sandy swamp. Yesterday, all the Pacifica stations ran a network-wide emergency fundraiser for lower Manhattan’s ‘BAI. Here’s an excerpt from Pacifica Executive Director Summer Reese’s appeal: When Superstorm Sandy hit […]

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FCC to make final decisions on low-power FM expansion at November meeting

On Friday the FCC announced that it will take up the final implementation of the Local Community Radio Act at its November 30 open meeting. The commissioners will also consider final procedures to deal with more than 6000 pending applications for FM translator repeater stations. These issues overlap because translators compete for the same spots […]

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Board at Belfield FM in Ireland (Photo: J. Waits)

Community Radio in the 21st Century offers Comprehensive Look at Radio around the World

As the calendar turns to November, many of us are starting to think about holiday gift lists. There are always lots of great radio-themed gifts to choose from and books are often at the top of my list. Earlier this year I was sent a copy of the anthology Community Radio in the Twenty-First Century. […]

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Two weekends of radio, podcast and sound arts conferences

I’m a little bummed and surprised that I only found out these two radio and sound art conferences this afternoon. free103point9 is hosting the Transmission Arts Colloquium this weekend at its Wave Farm Study Center in New York State’s Hudson Valley. The Center is home to community radio station WGXC which dedicates much of its […]

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Pitch Your Radio Story for World Radio Day

In honor of the 2nd annual World Radio Day on February 13, Fundación Comunica and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) are creating a series of short radio pieces on the topic of radio. They are inviting radio researchers and broadcasters to submit their radio story ideas online through October 19. The resulting […]

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