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It’s Radio Conference Season

The next six months are chock full of opportunities to connect with college and community radio practitioners at a range of non-commercial radio conferences. Here’s a quick look at some of the events happening between now and October, 2012. BEA 2012 First up is the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) conference in Las Vegas this weekend […]

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On the Air sign

Radio Continues to Grow in U.S. Based on FCC’s Quarterly Station Tally

The FCC just released its quarterly list of the total number of licensed broadcast stations in the United States. Based on their statistics through March 31, 2012, the number of licensed broadcast radio stations is still on the rise, continuing the trend that we saw in last quarter’s update. Based on this list, there are […]

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Get out of jail free card

Retired Navy air traffic controller to do community service for running pirate radio station

Back in January I reported on Ft. Myers, Florida resident Albert Knighten, a retired Navy air traffic controller who was arrested in December 2011 on charges of unlicensed broadcasting for running a neighborhood community radio station. Knighten got in additional hot water when he missed his arraignment hearing in order to appear on a panel […]

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Reactions to the FCC’s LPFM ruling

I was talking with my pal John Anderson earlier today about how relatively muted the reaction is to the FCC’s LPFM decision on Monday. We did get a statement from Prometheus Radio Project pretty quickly. But even today, three days later, there’s only a handful of hits on a google news search. Perhaps the news […]

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FCC acts to preserve space for new low power community radio stations

FCC acts to preserve space for new low power community radio stations

A couple days ahead of its March open meeting, on Monday the Federal Communications Commission released a two orders addressing the implementation of the Local Community Radio Act to bring more low-power FM community radio stations to the nation’s airwaves [press release PDF]. Most significantly, the FCC has decided to prioritize the establishment of LPFM […]

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College Radio Survivor

San Francisco Bay Area’s Bounty of Independent Radio Offerings

Yesterday I was excited to see that the cover story for the San Francisco Chronicle’s “pink section” was all about independent radio in the San Francisco Bay Area. Based on the cover’s headline, “Up in the Airwaves: The state of independent radio in the Bay Area,” I expected to see a comprehensive list of local […]

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Soundtap Madness 2012

Soundtap Madness Pits Independent Radio Stations in Head to Head Listening Tournament

With a nod to March Madness, Soundtap has just released details about “Soundtap Madness 2012,” an 18-day tournament beginning this Thursday featuring consecutive rounds of head to head battles between independent college and community radio stations. Soundtap, which bills itself as “the only crowd-sourced, show-specific way to enjoy independent radio,” is an online tool that […]

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Radio 1190

University of Colorado’s College Radio Station Radio 1190 to Revamp

An article in the Colorado Daily last week announced that changes are afoot at University of Colorado’s college radio station KVCU-AM, popularly known as Radio 1190. A re-branding effort along with a new website, the elimination of several paid student staff positions, a stronger collaboration between student journalists and the station, and the digitization of […]

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