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Archive | Community Radio

NPR on Low Power FM: license translators first

NPR on Low Power FM: license translators first

NPR has weighed in again on how to implement the Local Community Radio Act of 2010, which gives the green light to more Low Power FM signals across the country. The ex parte filing takes on the question of whether the Federal Communications Commission should tackle the backlog of applications for translators (which extend the […]

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What did Facebook tell the Voice of America?

Truly wish I’d been there for the Broadcasting Board of Governors’s Commission on Innovation gathering held in Washington D.C. on February 10. The BBG oversees most United States broadcasting services, including the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and Radio Free Liberty. The subject of the event: “how U.S. international broadcasting can add renewed luster […]

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Support Your Media Day

Today is Support Your Media Day

Regular readers of Radio Survivor likely are aware that we’re big fans of independent media, especially, and obviously, independent radio. It seems quite serendipitous that during the same week as World Radio Day we also have Support Your Media Day. It’s a one-day fundraiser focused on some of the most vital independent media organizations online, […]

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What's news in unlicensed broadcasting: Retired Navy air traffic controller in Florida faces state charges, but overall FCC enforcement is down

What’s news in unlicensed broadcasting: Retired Navy air traffic controller in Florida faces state charges, but overall FCC enforcement is down

The biggest news in pirate radio so far this year is the story about Ft. Myers, Florida resident Albert Knighten, a retired Navy air traffic controller who was arrested in December on charges of unlicensed broadcasting. Knighten’s Dunbar Radio, named for his neighborhood, focused his broadcasts on the city’s underserved population of older residents who […]

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FCC Report and Order on the Economic Impact of LPFM

One step closer to more low-power community radio; FCC says LPFM no threat to commercial stations

Last week the FCC released its report on the economic impact of low-power FM stations on commercial radio. The report was mandated by passage of the Local Community Radio Act of 2010 (LCRA), and its primary conclusion should surprise nobody with any knowledge of LPFM: “LPFM stations are unlikely to have more than a negligible […]

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Radio Still Growing in U.S. According to Latest FCC Stats

The FCC released a list today, updating its statistics on the total number of licensed broadcast stations in the United States. Based on this list, there are more radio stations today (14,952) then there were a few months ago. The number of AM stations, FM commercial stations, and FM educational stations all increased since the […]

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Racist or empire foe (or both?); KPFA vets the Ron Paul question

Berkeley, California based listener supported station KPFA did an interesting and informative program on the candidacy of libertarian Republican Ron Paul on Tuesday. KFPA talk show host, Mitch Jeserich, hosted the discussion on his Letters and Politics show as Republicans (including Paul) compete for favor in the Iowa Caucuses. [UPDATE 10:41 PM CST: Paul comes […]

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