The man behind the alleged podcasting patent, James Logan, took on the geeky masses at the tech website Slashdot with a Q&A session on Monday. Given the average Slashdotter’s objection to patent trolling, one user asked Logan why he would “volunteer to step into the lion’s den?” Logan answered, “sometimes going into the ‘lion’s den’ […]
Archive | Podcasting
We provide the most consistent and in-depth podcasting news. Learn what’s important in the business of podcasting, the latest podcast trends and what the future holds for the medium.
Podcasting stories of note: In Defense of Podcasting; Podcasting Women
Here’s a few items about podcasting that have crossed the transom in the past week or so that should be of interest to the Podcast Survivor: PopMatters music reviews editor Colin McGuire sees fit to launch a piece In Defense Of… Podcasting. McGuire says he loves podcasts so much that he has “two iPods: one […]
The podcast patent troll speaks (to Planet Money)
In March we told you about the SHIELD Act which was introduced into Congress to help reform patent laws, particularly targeting patent owners who are “non-practicing,” meaning that they aren’t actually making use of their patents. One such “non-practicing” patent owner is Jim Logan, whose company Personal Audio is suing podcasters like Adam Corolla, claiming […]
What is Radio? conference podcasts, for those who couldn’t be there
I am jealous that my Radio Survivor colleagues Jennifer and Matthew were both able to attend the What is Radio? conference this past weekend in Portland, OR, while I could not. Nevertheless, I am glad that they were able to represent, and am really pleased that this important conference took place. For those of us […]
Radius creates an on-air exhibition space for transmission art in Chicago
Several times a month, mysterious and unique sounds appear on the Chicago airwaves. Listeners might hear the rumble and pop of very low frequency signals generated by environmental electromagnetic fluctuations, or collaged field recordings from distant city streets. Some may mistake these transmissions for strange interference, or a broken radio, while others may be briefly […]
Will the success of podcasting mean the end of the medium?
SHIELD Act could save podcasting
A patent troll has been threatening the future of podcasting. A company called Personal Audio owns a patent that it claims covers podcasting, and has begun contacting prominent podcasters demanding payment for licensing their patent. The patent in question was only issued in 2012, some 7 years after the widely acknowledged invention of podcasting, and […]
Podcast Awards honor a diverse array of shows
The simply named Podcast Awards apparently have been going on for eight years, though I have seen little coverage of the event. This year’s ceremony happened at the New Media Expo in Las Vegas, just ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show. With such timing, it seems like news of the award winners was lost within […]
Paul’s 7 favorite podcast episodes of 2012
Earlier this fall I started reviewing podcast episodes, and while I got a strong start, I realize the output has been a little meager lately. Reviewing podcasts is a bit like reviewing television programs – there’s a neverending supply every week of the year. Never the less, I don’t intend to stop listening and reviewing. […]
Podcasts dominate 1st annual Stitcher awards
Popular podcaster and comedian Marc Maron hosted the 2012 Stitcher Awards Tuesday night in San Francisco. 160,000 Stitcher users voted for radio shows and podcasts across 20 categories for this first installment of the awards. When I first wrote about the awards in October I wondered if they would be dominated by familiar and popular […]