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Archive | Consolidation

They can take the radio out of Clear Channel (but that won't take Clear Channel out of radio)

They can take the radio out of Clear Channel (but that won’t take Clear Channel out of radio)

Friday the 900 lb. gorilla of commercial radio announced that it is changing its name to Clear Channel Media and Entertainment, striking the word “radio” from its name. Even though the company still owns 850 terrestrial broadcast stations–down from its post-1996 height of 1200–Clear Channel is trying to emphasize its belated focus on the internet, […]

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iHeartRadio screenshot

Clear Channel ups the ante with 3 more months of commercial-free iHeartRadio custom stations

Clear Channel may have been too focused on scarfing up stations in the early 2000s to construct anything resembling an internet strategy, but the company has been making up for lost time with its iHeartRadio service. When it went live in 2008 it was primarily a site and mobile app to provide access to the […]

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Saving College Radio Stations Panel at NFCB Offered Tips for Stations in Peril

Saving College Radio Stations Panel at NFCB Offered Tips for Stations in Peril

Of the many fine panels at the recent National Federation of Community Broadcasters’ conference (you can find our complete coverage here), the one that was closest to my heart was the “Saving College Stations” session (mp3) on Saturday, June 4. As was the case at a similar panel at SXSW this year, the participants included […]

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Public FCC Files on the Chopping Block

Just in time for the start of the latest radio station license-renewal cycle, the FCC opens up for question the notion of abolishing the public file requirement for broadcasters. This is not a self-imposed initiative: it is a consideration the agency is mandated to make, courtesy of the Paperwork Reduction Act. It requires regulatory agencies […]

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