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Archive | Politics

Future of Music Coalition to honor FCC Commissioner Michael Copps

Future of Music Coalition to honor FCC Commissioner Michael Copps

The Future of Music Coalition is a more than decade-old organization that advocates for the interests of musicians and their livelihoods in the contemporary media and networked environment. At its upcoming annual policy summit the FMC will be honoring FCC Commissioner Michael Copps for his work on behalf of the music community. Commissioner Copps and […]

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September 11 and the radio revolution

NPR’s Ombudsman has a new post promising “massive 9/11 anniversary coverage” this weekend. It mentions a listener who has protested the network’s use of the phrase “terror attacks.” “Terror did not attack us on September 11th, terrorists did,” she wrote to NPR. Terror does not have hands with which to use box cutters. Terrorists do. […]

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NPR and the “educated elite” problem

The NPR galaxy is in shock following the resignation of its CEO, Vivian Schiller. She received a vote of no-confidence from NPR’s board following the release her development director Ron [no relation] Schiller’s off-the-cuff remarks with a conservative group pretending to be the Muslim Brotherhood. Among Schiller’s comments, that the Tea Party isn’t  “just Islamaphobic, […]

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Public radio and TV supporters worry about ‘save public media’ fatigue

As everyone concerned about this issue knows, last week the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted to eliminate federal funding for public broadcasting. The move was approved in the context of the massive spending bill HR1, “Making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other departments and agencies of the Government for the fiscal […]

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LPFM expansion: it's official!

LPFM expansion: it’s official!

Yes, the Local Community Radio Act of 2010finally passed both the House and Senate almost two weeks ago. But it’s not official until the president signs it. And that he did, today. Today is just the start of the process to bring more community radio stations to the air. There is a lot of work […]

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